I'm not negative...

As analysts and psychologists have pointed out, optimism and positive thinking is often categorized as unrealistic, short-sightedness and having false hope. Why so? If one expects everything in life to be blue-skies and everything nice JUST because you think as such 24/7, then you'll be gravely disappointed at all the curve balls life will be throwing at you.
Financial advisors practice the art of optimistic projection. ANTICIPATING the worst outcome so as to put measures in place (i.e. fund hedging and etc), in the event the masterplan does not work out. The same works for buying life insurance. Of course you don't wish to cash in on your own policy but you buy one anyway, JUST IN CASE.
I've seen many go bust in the casino just because they keep telling themselves, "next hand sure win". They're blinding themselves with false hope and they're ignoring the fact that they're have a spell of bad luck, which the casino will capitalize if you don't know how to admit defeat.
Many have accused me as for being a negative person. I stand corrected. There's a difference between a negative individual and me. I antipate the things that might go wrong so that I'm better prepared to face them should they come. And I won't be so disappointed should things don't go as planned. Go read the Ancient Chinese Art Of War.
A fine example of ignorant positive thinking... my mother. She places glassware on top of the microwave often to dry them with the emitting heat. Today, a glass jar she was trying to dry rolled off it and smash right into my foot.
"It has never happened before!" she exclaims as I stood bleeding.
Never happened doesn't mean it won't happen. For her short-sightedness, I now have cuts on my foot. If she had thought of the possible negative outcome that might prevail, she won't have such a silly habit.
9/11 never happened before. But eventually it did. No black African-American has been US President. Obama's there now. No terrorists have escaped from our custody. Mas Selamat's laughing at that complacent thought now. You get the drift.
Edison Chen won't die. Want to wager on that?
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