Served And Fucking-off...

"We are pleased to inform you that you have completed your NS training cycle and have been phased into MINDEF Reserve with effect from 1/03/2009. Please treat all training notifications served to you as cancelled.
On behalf of 2PDF Comd, we would like to extend our appreciation on your completion of NS training cycle. Thank you for you invaluable contribution to National Service and hope you will continue to give your fullest support to Singapore's Total Defence."
On behalf of 2PDF Comd, we would like to extend our appreciation on your completion of NS training cycle. Thank you for you invaluable contribution to National Service and hope you will continue to give your fullest support to Singapore's Total Defence."
You fuckers and HOPE all you want. I'm done. Don't bug me ever again. I've already paid my dues. And to think that most of us have wasted our time, sweat, blood and tears to make this country safe for foreign invaders to come in, get citizenship (cheaply) and then take away so many jobs... that's the most fucked-up feeling ever. Nonetheless, in the famous last words of our PM...
"What to do, it's happened."
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