Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The secret to free money

I know it's the recession and finance is tight for some of you. I'm going to reveal one way of making without a single cent of investment. Just a little effort. And trust me, the money's there staring at your face... just that you never realized it... until now.

You know all those irrelevant junk mail you get everyday? And all those flyers that are stuck onto your house gate? Lets not forget those that are distributed on the streets, shopping malls and etc. Heck, even brochures that most of us have no interest in. Oh, lets not forget the free TODAY'S paper.

Well, just don't toss them into the bin just yet. I've often wondered how lucrative a "kanang guni" is, so I began collecting all these junk from my mailbox and etc since early January. And until last weekend, I've amassed a huge trash bag (about 4kg) of it and I started to insert them inbetween about one month's worth of old newspapers. Sell the whole lot off for a tidy sum of $16.

Ta-da... free money with little effort and zero investment. You get the idea, right? Instead of fretting over the amount of crap you get each day in your mail, why not turn it into money?

OK, I'm bored and I've nothing to bitch about.


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