Saturday, August 18, 2007

New drink by Forrest Gump

And it's called...
Jim Toxic!
Confirm to knock you out for good!

* Forrest Gump works at our bar

On a more "serious" note, I'll (may)be hibernating the next few days and working on the next Progressions Ableton megamix promo CD to be given away at the next gig. Hopefully I can still remember all the nifty editing tricks... but I seriously doubt I can top the Progressions NYE one. Not many great tunes out there now and I'm kind of in a very dull mood. But I'll try and see what I can whip up on the PowerMac... that has not been switched on for almost 3 months now. I'm sure there's a toadstool on the keyboard now. Hahahaha!


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