Swedish cheese is good for you...
When one decides to sample Swedish cheese and create an entire new interpretation, it's a sign that one has either lost it or is getting a kick out of doing something drastically / artistically different and trying too hard to emulate Eric Prydz's ideas of reviving pop classics.
Check out the cheap video clip of the original...
Check out the cheap video clip of the original...
And here's what I've done.
Yukun feat. Anni-Frid Lyngstad
- When You're Gone (Original Intro Mix)
(Right click and save as for PC users)
Note that the piano riff is reconstructed. Only a portions of the verse are sampled, filtered, key-changed, sliced-up, flangered, echo-ed, overlayed, smacked the bitch up... blah blah blah. So technically, it's no longer Anni-Frida's original voice anymore. {lease spare me the technicalities on who owns the publishing or master rights. I'm not making money out of this anyway. Done on Cubase 4. And no, I won't be giving any how-to-do-it courses on it. Some things have to remain sacred and secret. No amount of begging will help. Sorry. Oh, by the way, the above is not to be classified as "retro".
If only I can get my hands on some Milli Vanilli acapellas!
Yukun feat. Anni-Frid Lyngstad
- When You're Gone (Original Intro Mix)
(Right click and save as for PC users)
Note that the piano riff is reconstructed. Only a portions of the verse are sampled, filtered, key-changed, sliced-up, flangered, echo-ed, overlayed, smacked the bitch up... blah blah blah. So technically, it's no longer Anni-Frida's original voice anymore. {lease spare me the technicalities on who owns the publishing or master rights. I'm not making money out of this anyway. Done on Cubase 4. And no, I won't be giving any how-to-do-it courses on it. Some things have to remain sacred and secret. No amount of begging will help. Sorry. Oh, by the way, the above is not to be classified as "retro".
If only I can get my hands on some Milli Vanilli acapellas!
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