Saturday, March 10, 2007

Friday came and gone.

Made one of those super duper rare visits to Zouk after finishing off at Barbaablackchic. No, it wasn't a "blue moon" but I guess I'd so-call club only when there is good reason as well as good company. Anyway yesterday at the Phuture room was the 1st anniversary of the Stellar Music Podcast.

Happy Stellar Birthday! Congrats Keishi. Your baby is one year old.

First comment I get when I bump into friends that I've not seen for centuries... Adrian Blissout, Kommander Kurt, Kennerve Ah Pek (Clinic's resident DJ)
, DJ Small (Attica), Jason Itchi as well as some faces which I can't remember their names. Sorry.

"Wah, you don't club much nowadays, yah?"

Yup! I think it's all the excessive clubbing I did years ago that I don't really have the urge to do anymore nowadays... unless like I said, there's a good reason and good company. Otherwise, I'd rather have a quiet night at the movies or something. I'm not like even thrilled anymore as to what international DJs are coming and etc... unless they're mates like Gareth Emery who's coming end of March to Zouk. Then again... if there's a good movie on, I'll rather be in the cinemas.

Anyway... nice set Fred-E. You rocked the place proper. But why no Tiesto? Hahahaha! Great to hear "Diary of Jane". Oh, you really have to stop the chain-smoking thingy. It's really not good, mate. All the other "antics", you're doing fine.

Woke up today feeling drained and dry. I hate this shitty unhealthy feeling. All I had last night was a couple of beers, one shot of Bacardi 151 and a couple of Viceroys. By the way, tell you a little secret. Kimberly The Strange, our Progressions door host... likes R&B and Hip Hop. Wahahahahaha! Weak sauce upsize! Kim, what shampoo / perfume are you using nowadays?

On with physical training sessions #5 today at 4pm. Need to detox via perspiration. And a quiet night today. Probably work on my Lush FM shows and watch TV or something. Or have an earlier night... yeah, riiiiiiggghhtt!


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