Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Wicked Wednesday

Back from 4km force run and some abdominal muscle group training thingy. I feeling kind of tired and weak now. But on the positive side, I'll be waking up feeling damn fresh tomorrow :)

Mentally, it's helping me quite a bit so it's all good...

And now for the next hilarious chapter of CHAD VADER!!!! Learn why Vader wears a suit!

"I command you to bring us menus!"
"I sense a disturbance in the store."

Wahahahahaha! Vader rules!

"...I wish that yesterday, today, tomorrow...
each and everyday will be
a good, smooth & peaceful day for you."

- Zinkese


At 4:53 PM, Blogger Benesia said...

More CHAD VADER please!!! heeehee


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