Monday, March 05, 2007

What? Not another bloody survey!

I can't believe that I'm still getting surveys in the mail. Yeah, I know it's lame but they don't quite qualify as spam though. Can you really help it? They're so tempting! Especially when I'm so uninspired and perturbed at this present point in time. Hopefully after this, I'll be able to get some sleep. Long day tomorrow :(


1. Who is in the room with you?
3 assholes... me, myself and I.

2. Who is the last person to text you? Jason Itchi.

3. Whose house did you last go to? Sam.

4. Who was the last person you told you love them? A pair of hamsters which I almost bought yesterday.


5. What was the last thing you ate? Fried rice. It sucked coz I'm getting quite sick of chinese food at the moment

6. What was the last thing you did? Cut myself shaving... AGAIN!

7. What color pants are you wearing? Military Camoflaged.

8. What is the closest item near you that is blue? The wireless router.

9. What are you wearing on your feet? Skin. I'm a regular Einstein, huh?

10. What instant messaging service do you use? MSN Messenger coz the Yahoo one sucks.

11. What is your favorite website?
Mine. Shameless self-promo!

12. What is your favorite pair of shoes? My adidas trainers. I only have one. It's a long story.

13. What do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants? Jeans. I'm too slim for sweatpants.

14. What is the last thing watched? The rain. For real!

15. What do you currently hear right now? Nick Warren's GU 30. It's been on repeat the entire rainy day and is truly "a journey through downtempo trippiness, silky minimalism, and sparkly house". Nothing heavy or over the top... just the right aural balance for the state I'm in right now.


16. When is your birthday? July but I don't really give a damn.

17.When did you last go to the mall? Last week.

18. When did you last buy a new pair of pants? Back in January. It was a gift.

19. When did you last take a shower? Like 10 minutes ago after I nicked myself shaving :(


20. Where is your favorite place to be? Your loving arms.

21. Where is your cellphone? Somewhere around, I guess. I don't give a f**k.

22. Where is your mom? Somewhere around, I guess. I don't...

23. Where do you sleep? In bed... DUH!!!

25. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? Adidas retail.

26. Where in your house are you? In a little cramp room.


27. Why did you fall in love with the one you love or have loved? Coz we're only human... of flesh and blood we're made.

28. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? God, the questions just gets dumber, doesn't it?


At 2:49 PM, Blogger Adminstrator said...

Mario's cool... NO? :p

At 5:51 PM, Blogger Adminstrator said...

Marios are cooler than Marias... yes? :p

At 1:16 AM, Blogger Adminstrator said...

WTF? Climb pipes?

I prefer Spanish Marias... :p


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