Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I feel the earth move under my feet...

SMS text I received... "Did you feel the tremors this morning?"

Reply... "What tremors? I was dead to the world."

Well, apparently there was a 6.3 earthquake across western Indonesia in the late morning, killing at least 70 people and injuring hundreds, authorities said, predicting that the toll would rise. The strong aftershocks was felt as far away as neighboring Malaysia and Singapore, where some tall buildings were evacuated.

Oh, and to that idiot who rang me and went on and on about "I may have something for you. I know this dude, that knows this dude, that happen to know..."

You know what, asshole? Heard once too many times. You and the talk-a-lot brigade can...

And don't bug me with your sob-sob problems too. I've got my own to deal with and I'm not paid to be your headshrink. Don't mind me, I'm kind of busy right now, checking out the pilot episode of Chad Vader. Laters!


At 6:09 PM, Blogger Benesia said...

wow.. Chad Vader got the one and only "RED" light stick!! coooolzzzz...

heehee.. Vader is out of job (acting in starwars) and now needs to work in super market??!! Luckily not in my organisation.. ha! If not I pheeew blood everyday!! wahhhahaha.. pheeew because of laughing my heart out!


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