Uncouth Society
So what does Jackie Chan really think of Singapore?

I have to agree with him wholeheartly as well as the many others that have criticized us before. But Jackie, you've to admit that you're one big hypocrite. If you proclaim Hong Kong to be so wonderful, why did you migrate to America? Oh, Hollywood is it? I think having stayed in The Pearl Of The Orient for TWO years, I can safely say, that the people there are equally as uncouth and rude as Singaporeans. They too speak loudly, cut queues, rush, push... so stop calling the kettle black. The one-up Hong Kong has over this piece of dried snot? Freedom of speech, expression, views and the people's vote over governing policies. i.e. citizens protested against the introduction of GST and the Bill was never passed.
I know we've got a lot to complain about, especially those that have had the opportunity to climb out of the well and the more educated ones who understand the word "oppress". Nothing is perfect. I personally hate the general Singaporean heartlander for their selfish attitudes. Sure we have harsh rules and regulations, and some really stupid ones as well. But at least we're not BARBARIC like the Iranians...

Yes, I know we have a totalitarian government and how everything ends with them never in the wrong. They may rule with an iron fist of sorts but at least we don't have a ticking time(nuclear) bomb like Kim Jong-Il running the show. I'd rather have incapable imbeciles in the cabinet than nuclear warheads.

... and the one million invading foreign workers
and "talents" here can't be wrong.
I know we've got a lot to complain about, especially those that have had the opportunity to climb out of the well and the more educated ones who understand the word "oppress". Nothing is perfect. I personally hate the general Singaporean heartlander for their selfish attitudes. Sure we have harsh rules and regulations, and some really stupid ones as well. But at least we're not BARBARIC like the Iranians...

... we hang our condemned
behind closed doors and away from public eyes.
behind closed doors and away from public eyes.
Yes, I know we have a totalitarian government and how everything ends with them never in the wrong. They may rule with an iron fist of sorts but at least we don't have a ticking time(nuclear) bomb like Kim Jong-Il running the show. I'd rather have incapable imbeciles in the cabinet than nuclear warheads.

Sure, I bitch a lot about this country. We all have something to rant about every other day. I'll never ever become pro-government. But we take it in stride with a pinch of salt. We learn to laugh at ourselves. We live with what we have. There will never be a perfect paradise on earth. And there will always be one Stinkapoo...

... and the one million invading foreign workers
and "talents" here can't be wrong.
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