Social problem...
OK, I don't know how many of you feel the same way but, personally when I take a pee in a public toilet, I get FRAKKIN' disgusted to see strains of pubic hair in and on the standing urinals. Not that I purposely take note of such things but how can you ignore them when they're so thick and long... and happily drowning in your pee? GROSS!

Seriously, you all do know that pubic hair is redundant. There's absolutely no use at all. It doesn't make a man / woman any sexier or more attractive (unless you're a sick twisted Japanese). And since it serves very little purpose, what do we normally do with unwanted bodily hair? Can't some people do the same with their bloody overgrown pubic hair? Waiting for what? To harvest pubic lice and crabs?
As those that have served the army before... they know how much trouble pubic hair will get them into if the platoon sergeant finds "cock hair" on your bar soup.
Seriously, I'm not saying go for a Brazilian or give yourself a Sinead O'Connor, but at least have some FRAKKIN' pride in presentation and TRIM your hedges!!! Especially in the current hot and humid spell, don't you find that having an afro below is kind of suffocating your testicles? All that unnecessary growth is only going to encourage some rash infection... more ever, it really gets in the way when you're expecting to get some head.
trimming is good
wait kena salah parking!
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