This festive season...
Obviously, I now have too much time on my hands. OK, I admit it... I'm nursing a very bad backache so I can't be arsed to do anything but to lie in back and surf on the MacBook (blatant product placement). And since Christmas is around the corner, I think it's better I forwarn those that don't already know the evil truth about Santa Claus...

You think I kidding, is it? Fine, go ahead, send him your wish list and see what happens...

Damn, I really have too much free time!
haha tis the season to catch up on DVDs........ no jolly merry making... no alcohol no partying...
just loads of rest and vegetating...
say no to work no to clients and BIG NO-NO to any requests....
you got your "kidnapped" series yet? I make a copy of it :p
nope i didnt buy it but i have watched the whole season already.
yes! would be good if you make a copy. i want it for keeps.
just gutted that they caned the series....
k... once i get my cpu back... i'll make a copy of the series for you...
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