Heroes : past, present and future?
Somewhere in the last decade or so, some smart-ass TV producer came up with the stupid idea of a locally-created superhero and a daring series to boot (pun intended). Fortunately, the viewers could smell a turd from a mile away and VR Man was quickly taken off the air and never to be mentioned again. It also caused the lead actor's career to VIRTUALLY diminish.

And over a decade later, our neighbours does a one-up on us with their own corny superhero who possesses the enhanced abilities of a gecko (lizard) like sticking to walls, making chirping lizard noises and adding bugs to his diet. And how the bloody hell did all of this happened? He drank coffee that was contaminated by a virus-infected gecko. It's 40% CGI and 60% utter crap.

Just when you thought that it doesn't get any worse... Mr Tiësto Trainwreak, has announced that he is currently working with Activision on an electronic music-centric version of Guitar Hero. He said via his newsletter : "I am very excited about this! I think this is a great way to introduce people into DJing. Maybe they realize it’s not as easy as they think. I am sure this brings new fans to the scene, dance music is not far from hip-hop for example. Hopefully the music I have composed appeals to all kinds of fans!"

Tiësto with his DJ mentor Goofy during happier times.
Errr... one thing for sure, there'll be more terrible music to boot. I hope they include some DJ Shadow / Tricky tracks in the expert section so that amateur mixers can see what they're really made of.

Two more days to Christmas and I'm as excited as a monk in a monastery...

Two more days to Christmas and I'm as excited as a monk in a monastery...
lol. finally u write about DJ Hero.
there was someone in a certain forum at the FRONTline waiting for you to blog about it.
forums? i rather go forum galleria and shop at toys r us.
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