Why do we have public hair?
Don't worry, no pictures of pubic hair. Just some redundant images of birds and bees. Duh!
Here's what's so baffling with their explanation :
1. Increases the absorb of sweat and smell.
Err... just how much to you perspire DOWN THERE? Correct me if I'm wrong, the thicker the growth, the warmer it is and thus, doesn't it defeat the entire point of it?
2. They secrete hormones to attract the opposite sex. The smell is like perfume.
Hello... you mean they actually conducted experiments whereby they go about sniffing each other's bush? Like perfume? And all this while, I thought the Japanese were the only ones that were sexually-warped. Can you imagine them bottling the "scent" into little bottles called "Pubic Passion"? Ewww!!!
3. Increases the libido of a man?
I don't know about you but I'd be extremely turned-off with a hairy snatch. Makes navigation almost impossible, if you know what I mean?

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