Why? Learn to read inbetween the lines...

If you're as gullible as the average heartlander, then you'd believe EVERYTHING the news say, particular about her being the first Singaporean collateral damage in a terrorist act. Having known military personnels with (high security clearance) that have done their black ops term during the East Timor as well as the Indonesian unrest some time back, I can assure you, she's not the first. There were many before her. For whatever reasons known, the lot before her have been covered up. Just like the deaths of servicemen during National Service training; before the recent advancement of the mass communication platforms.
So why not cover this up as well?
Ms Lo’s father—in—law is grassroots leader.
(Mr S Puhaindran)
Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong knows Mr Puhaindran’s family and had attended their wedding last year.
Need I say more? If she was any other person, I'm sure it'll be conveniently swept under the rug just like all the ones prior to this tragic outcome.
Sure it's a tragedy, but lets be fair to the others that have unfortunately died as well. Especially those, in the line of service to make this country a safe place for foreign talents to invade and for more China nationals to conquer our pedestrian walkways with their bicycles.
Are we getting controversial enough yet?
You know what would really help in making the world less violent than it already is? AK-47s with a "feminine" touch, pink fluffy bullets and rocket launchers stuffed with candy floss.

And a little suggestion to the Indian Armed Forces instead on using grenade launchers in the midst of civilian hostages and bystanders? You were suppose to subdue and rescue, not fucking annihilate and demolish the hotel! Next time, get some PROFESSIONAL assistance instead. Some of the casualties were hit by friendly fire due to "visibility" issues (go figure this piece of sarcasm out). Some mercenaries are available at your disposal but one particular sure-fire one comes to mind...

Okay, I know that the Indian army has seen fire fights, conflicts, turmoils, skirmishes and etc, but honestly, when your general looks like that...

...it doesn't really give you much of confidence, does it?
Or when your so-called border guards march like can-can dancers...

... and look more like peacocks than soldiers.
p/s with this current headlines, I bet that most of you have already forgotten the mentally-unstable zoo cleaner that got mauled a few weeks back. I told you so... that the death of a foreign talent here is insignificant! It's not that I'm heartless or unsympathetic. I'm stating the truth.

To the person who emailed me asking to "join your team at Progressions" because he can "bring something to the table"... how about a KFC bucket because we're all kind of hungry. And don't forget the Pepsi too.

Personally, nothing against you but I already had one bad experience dealing with one "MOSS" person. Good luck with the other doors, dude. We only open for food delivery at the moment.
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