Judging a book by it's cover...

You just know it when House Music is swimming in utter shite when it has releases like the above. A million corny captions aplenty about the ugly-bomb-dud gracing the record sleeve. Seriously... is it suppose to entice you or to deter you to buy? Someone really has bad taste in packaging, if you ask me. Music wise... as bad as the cover. Multi remixes that all sound the bloody same. Sorry if you're a House-advocate but this really suck eggs!
And to one particular local "DJ" that has been bugging me to no end, if you say you've been playing out for quite a while and still yet to make an impact... then perhaps...

... please stop asking me / us to "collaborate" or seek a helping hand. The government taught us one thing, that nothing is for free, and I'm certainly not a charity cause. I'm in it for the money, not for the "passion" of it, or for the sake of "building" the scene.
I suggest you go re-access yourself. Maybe it's the music you play, maybe it's just you.
Text message last night... "Hey Yukun, aren't you checking out the opening of Zirca?"I replied with this attached picture...

Ever heard of the saying OLD WINE IN NEW SKIN? Then again, the general clubbing public are complete idiots. 'nuff said. The paint not completely dry yet, I'm going back to watch the rest of the drying process.
play this at Majestic Bar.... hahahahahahaaah........
i dare you to play this at all... :p
phatt rabbit. fat yes. but rabbit?
told you a lot of stupidity in House music of today.
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