Thanks for sharing the sunset...
For the true blue peeps (who didn't make convenient excuses) and made their way down to catch the sunset with us to the melodious sounds of Salt Tank's "Eugina", we thank you for the die-hard support and the great company.

Despite the requests for the same 10 stale-as-fuck trance anthems (which we ignored), those that were otherwise more receptive in terms of being more open-minded as to what we want to dish out... generally had a wonderful time.

More Jez-cam snaps can be found at the Progressions Facebook Group
as well as HERE (courtesy of Stephen "Trust")
Check out the captions in the Youtube video!
More videos of the nite HERE and HERE.
Told ya that you'll be missing a lot if you ain't in Facebook :p
More videos of the nite HERE and HERE.
Told ya that you'll be missing a lot if you ain't in Facebook :p
We've also got a couple of downloads for those that missed out on our limited promotional CD giveaways...

P@t's Anticipate 5 promo CD
Yukun's Journey Into Sound Megamix CD
... and also recorded directly into the lappy during the set :
Yukun's Journey Into Sound Megamix CD
... and also recorded directly into the lappy during the set :

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