No sacrifice is too big...

There comes a point in life when one's virtue and character is called to the "test". Particularly in the area of "孝" or in more familiar terms, "filial piety". And it's not just about giving your parents or elders respect and pocket-money. It's about making sacrifices and it's about sharing the burden.
Come the end of next week, I'll be stopping my work because my father is going for a triple heart bypass and for the next 2 - 3 months, he'll need a lot of help in recovering. My mother is already doing a lot for the family and I do not expect her to be physically able to handle certain tasks. Sure, one may suggest the hiring a home nurse or something of the like. But truth be told, would you TRUST a complete stranger to execute their required duties diligently on your loved ones? Would you have the peace of mind?
This is my willing sacrifice for a father who has gone through happiness and sadness with me. A father who has supported my passion, beliefs as well as encouraging me through the mistakes that I've made in life. A father who has ever so often giving me great advises. I was never close to him during my teenage days (mainly because I was rebellious) and I grew to fear him instead of respecting him. But somehow, life has a funny way of working things out. Today, I'm growing closer to him than I ever was. I share many things with him... my work, my experiences, my opinions. And I'm about to share the existence of this blog with him after this. After all, he should know the persona that is known as Yukun.
I thank all my close friends and the like for all their well-wishes. I have faith, I have hope and I'll see this through no matter what.
For those of you who may have grown estranged from your loved ones, perhaps you may want to consider mending those bridges before it's too late. Time can only go forward and living a life of regret is something we should all avoid.
Any help you need just feel free to say it............
cheers mate. everything will be fine. :)
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