The day I went East after many eons!
If you own a blog (like I do) and your mates come up to recommend certain things for you to blog, you know that you're read widely and that you've some kind of effect on the readers, one way or the another in some degrees. Anyway, I promised them that I'll blog about this...
Yesterday was one of those occasions that the bunch of us managed to gather for good company, conversation (i.e. talk cock) over BBQ and drinks. The last time I went to the Costa Sands chalets at Paris Ris... it didn't look like THIS!

Call me out-of-the-loop, call me a rural-dweller but the freaking place looks more like a mega-shopping mall than a holiday chalet resort. You've got 24-hour McDonald's, a multiplex movie house, a jackpot room, a food court and countless shops of every nature imaginable inside what seems to be a labyrinth. I mean, convenience is one thing but it kind of defeats the purpose when you're planning a stay to "get away from it all."
Which brings me to the agenda of this post. If you or any of your friends ever intend to book any of the chalets here... stay the fuck away from Block L and M because it's right next to the bloody go-kart race track. The noise is just downright goddamn I.R.R.I.T.A.T.I.N.G.!
I'm fine if they sounded like F1. Problem is, that they all sound like the broken-down engine of a sampan boat and that goes on and on... which makes me wonder if the developers of the resort actually had any brain at all, putting chalets right next to it and charging the same price as the other quieter plots. Having amenities and attractions is one thing. Having the SPACE to do it is another.
Another fine example of "you can't have everything when the country is so bloody small!"
p/s This Halloween... I'll be Mr. Nobody... so don't ask me what my costume is. Self-explanatory!

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