Monday, September 15, 2008


My flu medication is making me woozy. It's like flying except that you have a freaking runny nose that is flowing like a freaking monsoon drain. "Chloe" tells me to cover up and not to sleep naked. Errr... I don't do that (unless required). I sleep fullu clothed. OK, too much details. And don't bother asking me who is this "Chloe" either. I won't tell.

Random note. Some of you lamented that you miss the really funny pictures I stick here. Here's one for you...

Not funny? Damn it... how about this?

Fine. How about I show you a photo of my new freaking neighbour-with-long-name from India, sun-tanning his hairy-like-gorilla legs right outside the common corridor? OK, now that's gross.

Rest day for me tomorrow. Hope to get better soon because it's money-making week from Tuesday to Friday and I'll shoot myself if I miss out. Off to bed again...


At 4:09 AM, Blogger adr3n said...

I KNOW who chloe is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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