Friday, June 20, 2008


It's finally out on Blu-Ray but I seriously don't see what the hype is all about; considering the amount of customers asking for the Blu-Ray edition. For those who have yet to see this show, try not to watch it with a full-stomach. Not because it's a "stylish monster flick" but it's rather the laughably point-of-view shaky camera work (ala Blair Witch Project) that gives you motion sickness. Notably, the producer J.J. Abrams is renown for the unnecessarily draggy LOST TV series and thus this movie too suffers a serious lack of a back story. Besides the clever character-development, I personally think there's nothing else earth-shaking about the story of a monster that demolishes New York City. I think all those 9/11 conspiracy theories are far more intriguing compared to this nauseating 84 minutes of a DUD.

If you wanted to know how Parkinson's Disease is like... this is it. NEXT!!!

What people should seriously look out for is something under-rated like...

It'll leave all hardcore Star Wars fans rolling in stitches throughout it's 30-minute entirety. Best spoof ever! Heck, it has voice talents of Mark Hamill, Hulk Hogan, Seth Green, Seth MacFarlane, Malcolm McDowell and Conan O'Brien. Wait for it... due in July :p


For the certain person that emailed me regarding my last posting on all things FAT, you say that I'm very insensitive and rude. You even went as far as to say, fat people have their beauty too. Well, excuse me for living and for telling it BRUTALLY TRUTHFUL like it is should be.

Beauty you say? No matter what angle I look at this, I fail to see your fucking rebuttal. Perhaps I'm missing something here... like inbetween the massive layers of lard? Like I said, I don't really have anything personal against people who are OVERWEIGHT (politically correct) or WAY-FUCKING-OVERWEIGHT (biologically correct), but I certainly have some beef (pun intended) with FAT BITCHES who act like THEY KNOW and are bloody ANAL RETENTIVE at the same time.

God gave us a sense of humour. Sorry that mine is twisted. Deal with it!


As for tonight, the sure-bet goes to Germany. Portugal may be good but Germany's got Paul van Dyk (although he's of Dutch origin) and a very fine-tuned soccer team. Their chemistry as of late have been really impressive and very creative.


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