Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Waste Of Space And Air...

If you think this following post is offensive... then what do you call people who look like lava-lamps with legs? OK, seriously, if you weigh over 350lbs and you know that you disgust a lot of ORDINARY people just because you're a lard-ass, please stop reading my blog... ever again! But if you really want to know why there are like a trillion "yo mama's so fat" jokes, then read on.

1. Fat people like to think they are aren't fat.
Admit it. YOU FAT FUCKERS do! It's just a bloody crime to see a fatty trying to buy normal-sized clothes. Are we suppose to feel bad that they can't fit into it or just continue to snigger? Come on now you tub of guts, fat means fat. You're out-of-the-ordinary. Accept that fact and roll on

2. Fat people are disgusting to look at.
Picture this (or not). You're at the beach, and some fat bitch in a two-piece swimsuit with rolls of fat sloshing like an incoming tsunami is trying to wake-board. And you say it's rude to point and laugh. You're fucking ASKING FOR IT! Seriously, instead of banning smoking in all sort of places, there should be a law against over-weight people in some public places and against some meant-for-normal-people activities as well.

3. Fat people are unfuckable.
NEED I FUCKING SAY MORE? Fat men have tiny cocks and fat women have massive
VAGINAS. That's VAGINAS in capital letters.

4. Fat people smell funny.
They do. And why? Because these living sacks of butter have more crevices and many will go unattended, hence they stink. A fat woman however, will not smell as bad because they spend more time in the shower getting to know the shower-head on a personal basis... it's the only thing on earth that will be able to stimulate their huge oily cunts.

5. Fat people aren't tough.
It takes a lot of discipline to be tough. And it's tough for a fat-fuck to say NO to a chocolate cheese cake or a candy bar. In conclusion, they're all WEAK!

6. Fat people are always eating.
The rest of us can eat and not get fat because the NORMAL human body is able to process and burn off food at a regular pace. The body however, can't handle the pounds of cheesy fries, hamburgers and fried food that fat people eat. Here's a suggestion... go vegetarian and stop eating as if you've got a village of Vietnamese farmers in your stomach!

7. Fat people are lazy.
You know it, I know it. It's not easy to move around with so much meat on you.

8. Fat people are not that smart.
Medical fact. They need more oxygen through out their body and thus depriving their brains. With each passing day, more and more brain cells die due to carbon dioxide poisoning in the blood. Sooner or later, they'll all end up as retards.

I could go on but I don't want to be the sole reason for a sudden wave of suicide by fat people; and neither do I want to be a full-fledged rude bastard. Like I said, I don't think that all fat people suck... just the particular idiotic few that I've dealt with in the past and present. Don't feel so bad about yourself though, being fat has one HUGE (excuse the pun) advantage though...

But to summarize... in all honesty, would you rather this?

Or this?

I rest my case on the redundancy of being fat!


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