Sunday, March 04, 2007

Another freebie!

We are currently working on this as there has been interest from an Australian as well as a Japanese label for digital distribution rights. You can download the LIVE PERFORMANCE VERSION at the moment, which is an excerpt from a 90-minute P.A. set. Very much in the vein of the early Bedrock sound, we had fun going back to our roots with this one. However, currently we've hit a brick wall in terms of creativity and inspiration... delivery dateline is fast approaching for the finalized version and I strangely, I don't give a toss. So goddamn uninspired to do jackshit :(

Fuck it. I'm staying in bed the whole of this Sunday. Hope it bloody rains again!

Yukun - Tel Aviv

The above link will expire in 14 days and will be available for 500 number of downloads. For DJs, it's 125 BPM and it's in B minor key. There's no proper intro and outro as we're suppose to work on that about 2 weeks back. But "don't give a flying f**k" is the operative phrase as of late. So hope you understand :p

Honestly? I wish I had the emotional vulnerability to write something like Schiller's "I Feel You". Then again, if I actually started penning lyrics to the stuff I produce, I'll most likely get misinterpreted again...

I feel you...
In every stone
In every leaf of every tree
You've ever grown
(That you ever might have grown)

I feel you...
In every thing
In every river that might flow
In every seed you might have sown

I feel you...
In every rain
In every beating of my heart
Each breath I take
(In every breath I'll ever take)

I feel you...
In every tear that I might shed
In every word I've never said

I feel you...


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