Sunday, November 01, 2009

Epic Failure...

Firstly before I begin, let me set the record straight that I'm not racist and regardless of race, I tell it like it is. I don't make up the stereotypes. You can conclude otherwise for all I care.

As DJs, we find it downright irritating and disrespectful for patrons to request for songs and etc. It's like telling us "how to do our jobs". Why not bring your own iPod / mp3 player to the clubs, plug into your favourite playlist and stop bothering us? You don't see us going to you to tell you how to do YOUR jobs. Do you? And we certainly don't look like JUKEBOXES. Even if we do like one, you actually have to put money into it before you can make your selection. So instead of shoving your ugly Blackberry into our faces with your dumb song request, try writing on a note and attaching a $50 bill to it... that's an incentive we might not say no to. Depending on what crap you're asking for.

If that's bad, it's not as hilarious as WHITE people, who in the first place don't have a sense of rhythm. EIGHT out of TEN white folks that come up to request for songs are either deaf or retarded. Just last night at some high-end champagne party, a bunch of idiots came up to ask for ABBA, Motown or "something I can dance to".

When I replied I have none. The bitch goes into a lecture about "as a DJ, you're suppose to play music to please the dancefloor?"

My swift comeback... "What dancefloor? This is a bar."

She tried retaliating... "You've a laptop, you can download and play for us!"

Woman, you're messing with the wrong person and you don't want to get into a debate with me.

"My laptop is not internet enabled and it's strictly used to DJing purposes. More ever, the software I'm using does not accept any mp3 format. Only AIFF or WAV sound files can be processed."

Just when you think she got served... "OK, do you have any country music then? For line-dancing."


Somebody please legalize firearms!!!


At 7:57 PM, Blogger MDFK said...

LOL, bro u run into the most stupid people, I think GOD hate you LOL

At 6:16 PM, Blogger kaicid said...

i have been lobbying for the legalization of firearms amongst other issues for the longest time....

isnt it so convenient to just pull out a piece and exterminate REDUNDANCY??? arent we living in a society that stresses on productivity?

i cant think of any other way way to increase productivity than having firearms to eliminate redundancy.........

see one cockster shoot one cockster....


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