Sunday, October 04, 2009

Screw being gracious!!!

This past week, two incidents which is more than enough to convince me not to subscribe to the "gracious society" train of thought that the government has been selling all the while.

Midweek, while boarding the ferry on the way to work... some late 50-plus year old "ah soh" cuts the queue from behind me and rushing into my path. Being blind-sided by her, I collided into her. Instead of saying sorry (since it was her that came from behind), she went on to scold me for not looking where I was walking and went on to insult my upbringing and etc.

Wrong person to tick off, bitch! I set the record straight verbally... "Just because you're OLD doesn't gave you the fucking right to cut queue or expect people to give in to you, especially when you're clearly in the wrong."

She let out a string of vulgarities at me.

Like I said, wrong person to be fucking with, stupid old hag!

I blocked her path and asked her what she's going to do about it. Seriously, what kind of mentality do most of these retarded Singaporeans have?

Second incident... yesterday night while having dinner out at a steamboat eatery. Most of the tables are TWO-seaters and practically every table is taken. An unkle / auntie couple next to us were eating and gets a phonecall from their daughter, saying that she'll be joining them. Go figure, they're in a TWO-seater table and yet they still agree to have their daughter join them. 5 minutes into the wait, reality dawned upon them that the place is running at FULL HOUSE capacity and due to the lack of space, there is NO WAY to include another chair just for their "precious daughter". The auntie begins to tell her husband... hinting at my table may be done soon, or maybe he can ask me to shift elsewhere so as to accommodate them. Thankfully, the unkle did not ask me... otherwise I'll reply, "DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE?"

I can't be arsed to be nice to people. It's just pointless. SELF is more important! Don't be stupid enough to be "gracious" and then let the rest of the citizens and "foreign talent" climb all over you head to shit.


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