Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Wednesday... zzzz!

Well, nothing to be honest. Just kidding superbly uninspired and feeling somewhat in a stalemate. I guess you could say my feet is grounded to the wrong place? Then again, perhaps I shouldn't complain and bitch so much? But how not to when you're surrounded by stupid people everyday?

On a side note, I listened to Michael Jackson's music all the way to work and back, which was kind of refreshing even though I'm not a huge fan of pop music. It reminded me of my days as a teenage delinquent back in the 80's and also to the 90's when I started out DJing and going to clubs like the defunct Fire. How time flies and how people I know are dropping like flies. I've already got 7 schoolmates gone to the spirit in the sky... all mostly through health complications and one disappeared totally from the face of the earth mysteriously.

Well, I guess I should just be contented with the life I have right now and just look forward to having nice annual holiday trips. No point feeling so bitter all the time, right? Hmm...


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