Sunday, July 05, 2009

Gay as can be. Bloody cunts!

I truly think that 90% of the general population is either born stupid or end up being an idiot because of peer pressure. This diagnosis applies to the gay community as well. Sorry, you guys ain't spared as well. And I say this based on real-life experiences that I've faced.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not homophobic. Where you decide to put your penis into is your own prerogative. I've nothing against gays, lesbians, butches or the confused. I personally have friends that swing the other way. And I'm sure SOME of you (regulars at my gigs) lead alternative lifestyles too. But it's those that somehow have that inferior complex and yet have the unnecessary need to prove to society that they're above the rest of us... that I extremely loathe and would love to belittle at any given opportunity.

There's a reason why I'd NEVER ever agree to be a DJ for any gay party or be associated with anything remotely gay (i.e. a gay-friendly agency asked if I would like to be on their roster). It's their "oh-my-taste-is-so-exquisite" attitude that pisses me off. Hello, I know you're gay and that you're in touch with your feminine side but it doesn't mean the rest of the world has to agree to your likings. You want to be treated without prejudice and equally? Then stop that stupid "loud and proud" behaviour! You don't have to tell the whole world how "colourful" you are. You're not a suppressed class so stop behaving like one.

Last night at Majestic Bar, there was a birthday celebration. The group was mainly made out of gays and their girlie hags, lesbians and butches. By all means, no one is stopping you from patronizing "non-gay" establishments. But stop behaving like you fucking OWN the place and stop demanding for "The Birthday Song" and "some happening gay" music or for me to "shut the music down" just because the gay birthday boy wants to make a loud speech (of complete utter rubbish). You didn't book the entire venue. My job is to provide a service that includes playing music which I deem APPROPRIATE for the general customers in the said vicinity. To request is one thing. To ORDER and to INSIST is another. So yeah, fuck you anyways! Thanks for pissing me off right after midnight and spoiling the rest of my night. We know it's his fucking birthday because you fuckers sang "Happy Birthday" like 2 million times the entire time since he arrived. So you wonder, why do straight people hate you? Because of things like this... when you behave like such and when you throw your "diva attitude" around. Just because you bought a few bottles of champagne, doesn't make you the QUEENS of the bar for the night. And most certainly, it doesn't give you the right to ORDER me around.

However, it gives me the chance to throw countless gay jokes around (i.e. Hunk Martini) for the rest of the night. I was very much on the verge of walking out and going home for the night but I told myself, I'll be the professional that I am and pray to God that you'll fuck off eventually. Thankfully, God listened.

I conclude that all of you (the party of fairies last night) are all born retarded. Firstly, the outlet is not a gay hangout, so don't expect anything to be gay about the venue, especially the music! Secondly, do I fucking look like a gay DJ to you? Just because you're too narrow-minded to appreciate music beyond your "taste" doesn't mean that other form of non-gay music is "not happening". Thirdly, gay music is actually quite like Michael Jackson... stagnant and dead. I don't care if you're professionals in the working field or not. I still think all of you have no brains at all. Do I go to a gay club and ask the DJ to play some Rock music? Or walk up to the Singapore Symphony Orchestra and ask for some R&B? No. And why not? Because I possess this precious little thing called COMMON FUCKING SENSE!

God said the MEEK will inherit the earth. He didn't say your kind will. So excuse us for giving you the middle finger whenever you THINK and ACT like you own the world. The world's a harsh place and we don't appreciate you painting your rainbow and sprinkling of magical dust all over it.

So yeah, you can take your gayness and park it elsewhere. Thank you very much! I apologize if this entry offends anyone. I'm very civil and pragmatic as a person. Don't like, don't read. Especially if you're the sort that cannot stand THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER!

Since we're on the topic of idiots... allow me to relate this incident that happened onboard the casino ship this past week. Most of you know where I stand when it comes to "foreign talent" from China... an unnecessary invasion of people with zero social etiquette. And the following TRUE STORY enforces my believe that if you can't speak proper ENGLISH, you shouldn't even bother going out of your country.

Three quite over-the-hill China-exported "mama sans" with reasonably heavy make-up were at the Blackjack tables. They had a hand of two cards with a total of 15 points. They asked for the third card and hoping to get a maximum of 21 points, they started shouting in unison... "GIT ME SEX, WE VANT SEX!"

The rest of the players that the table started to laugh hysterically.

If you don't get the joke, then you too should enroll in some basis English classes or join the next boat of China people back to the mainland!


At 10:48 PM, Blogger dix said...

Well said! They can be very hard to please sometime.

Err... what'd happened if u see them again next week? lol!

At 10:59 PM, Blogger kaicid said...

well at least they didnt ask if you wanted "sick" or "sin" noodles

At 11:18 PM, Blogger Adminstrator said...

if there is a God, I won't see them ever again.


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