Wu Who?
Just how insignificant can Singapore get? Plastered on the front page of the main papers today, taking up almost half a page, announcing the arrival of yet another foreign mercenary "sportsman", this time it's some world champion pool player from Taiwan...

Wu Chia-Ching
Like seriously? Why is the country spending so much to "buy" these foreign sport personalities? Is sports achievement THAT frakkin' important? How does it help ECONOMICALLY? Does it, in any bloody way, make the citizens' life much better? I'm sure the allocated budget would be more meaningful if used to tide the lower-income through these difficult times.
OK, right... he's a world class champion. Taiwan was desperate to keep him. OK, fine... we won in enticing him over. So what? Really... SO FRAKKIN' WHAT? Haven't we already have enough foreign invaders in our country? Instead of spending so much money to obtain his services, why not use the money to develop some local "ah beng" from the local pool parlour? And so what if we win the world championship for pool? The point being? National pride? Oh, pleeeassee! He ain't Singaporean to begin with.

I really don't get it. Is it really that news-worthy that it warrants a front page blast? I think it really explains the sort of mentality that the general Singaporean has. i.e. self-importance despite all degrees of insignificance. It's come to a point that some PRC folks (China) are commenting that Singaporeans are so hopeless that EVERYTHING that we need to hired them to play ping-pong and also to come do our daily jobs.
Honestly, if I ran the show, I'd rather acquire the man who can shoot flames out of his penis...

"You light up my life..."
Honestly, if I ran the show, I'd rather acquire the man who can shoot flames out of his penis...

"You light up my life..."
... I know for sure that if he was to perform a nightly show at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, every man / woman / gays / lesbians / anyone above 18-years-old, will be queuing up to see this amazingly HOT feat. At least we'll have ticket taking$ instead of some pointless Olympic silver medal which is probably tucked away in some drawer at the Sports Council.
Hell, while I'm at it, I might as well offer a Singapore citizenship and a part of our beach to Zhang Ziyi as well. Then she can become the country's newest tourist (and local) attraction... then everyone will have a reason to go suntanning, even though some are already DARK enough (geddit?).

I'm not being sarcastic. I'm pointing out the stupidity and frakkin' pointless policies that runs within the country. I think some of us can come up with better ideas where to spend the money... and to make more money in return.
Hell, while I'm at it, I might as well offer a Singapore citizenship and a part of our beach to Zhang Ziyi as well. Then she can become the country's newest tourist (and local) attraction... then everyone will have a reason to go suntanning, even though some are already DARK enough (geddit?).

I'm not being sarcastic. I'm pointing out the stupidity and frakkin' pointless policies that runs within the country. I think some of us can come up with better ideas where to spend the money... and to make more money in return.
p/s did you do your part for Earth Hour last night? I didn't. At exactly 8.30pm, I left my water heater on, used the hair dryer while the stereo was playing in the background. When I left for work, I conveniently left the ceiling fan, computer and air-conditioning on. So sue me... like I really care!
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