Like you REALLY care?

There's nothing wrong in telling people to save electricity and doing it ourselves, and that's what it really is about, isn't it? The platform the campaign should promote is : Turn off a light, save some frakkin' money!
I think that would go over better than all the feel-good hippie crap.
I'm not bothered to participate. Not because I'm a selfish person who doesn't care about the environment. I don't disagree with the idea of saving energy, but it seems to me that Earth Hour is just a cheap gimmick which people can get involved in, when the reality is that any benefits to the environment from doing so are negligible. It has the possibility to get people to switch off their lights and kid themselves that they're doing the right thing, but they're turning a blind eye to the bigger global warming issues like industrial and vehicle pollution.

I don't want to live like a caveman when I have the choice. I need to be able to use my computer at night, to watch TV till I doze off, to charge all my mobile appliciances, to call my friends and etc. I don't that anyone should dictate how we should all live in any particular way. What happened to freedom of choice? These so-called environmental hippies need to be able to respect other people's way of life.
Hey, what happens when millions of people flick on millions of lights all at the same time when the hour is up? Kind of cancels itself out.
If you're gullible enough to be a part of this ridiculous campaign, please by all means, turn off your lights later today... and unplug your fridge while you're at it. And if you think you're doing the world a huge deed by using energy efficient bulb; think again! They are full of mercury gas, and if dropped and broken, you have a toxic dump for a home. They also are said to possibly trigger migraines and seizures. So technically, when the bulb dies, you're still killing the earth by contributing to the mercury level in our land. Bet you didn't know that, did you? You ignorant moron!
I'll balance things off by having TWO computers going, the TV on random channel, the stereo playing while I'm plugged into my iPod, my ceiling fan, lights and lamps, my turntable, my portable DVD player... that should consume just about enough power that my stupid neighbours might be trying to save in that ONE hour.
Earth Hour... verdict?

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