Things I'd not try even if you kill me!

Braised caterpillar
A friends says to me, "So you going to Vietnam? Cool! You should try some exotic food while you're there. Once in a lifetime, man! Some of them will make you strong sexually, you know!"
What a load of fucking hogwash! If such crap actually helps you in the fucking department, then why isn't Viagra obsolete yet? You might as well eat a tree trunk, since it's firm, thick and sturdy. I don't see that happening, do you?
What a load of fucking hogwash! If such crap actually helps you in the fucking department, then why isn't Viagra obsolete yet? You might as well eat a tree trunk, since it's firm, thick and sturdy. I don't see that happening, do you?

Firstly, I'm not adventurous with food. Never was, never will be. Not even if my life depended on it. The furthest I'd go is to "eat snake". Literally (it taste like chicken meat). Oh, and also "eat pussy". You go figure that one out. Either then that, I'll stick to white meat... fish or chicken and the occasional beef. No pork (NO PORK!)

Secondly, I don't care if it's your bloody staple diet. As long as it give me the creeps, you're not putting them on my plate unless you want to clear up the mess of puke that I'll gladly leave behind.So no BBQ dogs, fried Tarantulas, roasted rats, stir-fried centipedes or crunchy Black Scorpions...

Secondly, I don't care if it's your bloody staple diet. As long as it give me the creeps, you're not putting them on my plate unless you want to clear up the mess of puke that I'll gladly leave behind.So no BBQ dogs, fried Tarantulas, roasted rats, stir-fried centipedes or crunchy Black Scorpions...

Personally, I think people that think such things have medicinal purposes are fucking simple-minded dickheads. Spiders will ACTUALLY give you an uncontrollable pubic hair growth and scorpions will make your dick small and pointy! And consuming dog meat will render your ability to fuck in ONE POSITION only... doggie-style. You can forget about the Kamasutra and that would be pretty boring...

So think again before you put anything into that mouth of your's...

Eat some more... cock drop off then you know!
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