Friday, July 25, 2008

Boss from hell?

The last post seems to have drawn a lot of reaction from many of you. As I anticipated, most of you can relate to bad bosses and idiotic superiors. We've all been there, done that (more than once in most cases).

A reader emailed saying that his retarded boss runs the company on the policy of "do it my way because it's the only and right way", solely because he's also the OWNER of the company. He talks to the staff as if he is the school principal and they were his students. He expects them to put in extra hours without any incentive whatsoever. Quite honestly, Donald Trump would have fired this asshole within a blink of an eye.

If you think that's bad... you haven't dealt with bosses that say... "my friends say" so it shall be.

Makes you wonder doesn't it? What kind of world do we live in when a complete idiot can be a CEO of a company? Or a narrow-minded bastard can be your immediate supervisor. Unfortunately for us, that's the way things are. It's been like such for centuries!

The fucking idiots, really rule the earth! Sad but true. I once had a marketing manager proposing an idea that's as stale as the bread that Jesus had during his Last Supper. When I questioned it, the person started rattling on about the usual bullocks of academic achievements pertaining to the post. Common COW sense is not obtained in books, dimwits!

But seriously, if this is you...

... and you feel that work is decaying your soul... and that life is nothing but a pointless routine of GO TO WORK / GO HOME... I suggest you quit before you end up depressed or worse. Just stop bitching and not doing a damn thing about it. Take all that negative energy and channel it into the hunt for Mas Selamat (this is going to be an ongoing recurring joke). Who knows, you just might beat me to the prize bounty!


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