Thursday, December 27, 2007

Some people just don't get it, do they?

"I see what's wrong now. This machine's fucked!"

You can buy want I have. You can play the tunes I have. You can do what I do. You can replicate as much as you want. Fuck, you can even tap my social network for all I bloody care! But you can never be me or achieve the things I've accomplished or experienced. Money can't buy what's destined or what I've attained through sheer groundwork... neither can it buy the respect I've earned or the persona and the wit I possess. I know the saying... "if you fail, try and try again." But seriously, sometimes it's not worth getting your pride hurt, time and time again after each failure to succeed. Reality's a bitch. Deal with it!

So there, you dumbass Xerox-machine! I said it. You won't amount to anything much despite all your feeble attempts. Now sod the fuck off and quit being such a blooming irritant! Cannot make it means cannot make it. Don't get a stroke trying to figure out why...


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