Monday, October 01, 2007

Weekend's over... CHUCK!

Easier said than done :(
boring weekend...

To a certain "papaya-boy"... are you sure everybody who did turn up had an incredible time? Would you like to wager your limps on it? Obviously, you haven't see the END OF THE NIGHT response at Progressions or Dazed Out. Wave your cock hands in the air some more... wait get blood clod then you know! Anyway, you got snooked in return, in case you didn't realised. The industry is way more weaved than you can ever imagine...

This week my objective would be to get a One-TB hard-drive and also to hunt down Happy Tree Friends figurines. See how "meaningful" life has become? First one to hunt will be Cuddles... the cute, cuddly yellow bunny...

Anyway, I really miss watch that stupid cartoon with that irritatingly infectious theme song. Can't see to find the bloody DVD... (pun intended!!!). It's the perfect lamest thing to watch when you're pissed drunk with your mates and just laugh your ass chucking ass off. Perhaps in the near future when I can get my own pad... then weekends won't be so pointless! Then again, if I did have my own pad, what makes you think I want mates around? Ahahahahaha!

p/s if you're what you eat... then I must be peanut butter... smooth and creamy :)


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