Many thanks to The Vibesetters (David and Amanda). Cheers for the dirty beats, squelchy analogue synth, quirky riffs... and for sharing a laugh or two. That "Born Slippy" improvisation was just beyond MAD! Next time round, we do a menage a trois... I'll go hunt for a Roland TB-303!
"I funny, meh?"
"I funny, meh?"
Tonight, is going to so pointless and I'm actually (see what bunny is doing below) just thinking of it. Another "transient" night with the same old bunch of (too crude to post here). Honestly, I'm getting damn chucking sick of it. My enthusiasm is at it's lowest when it comes to this weekly "charity drive". It's killed my passion for the DJing craft.
So don't ask me that stupid question...
"Why you look so uninterested and tired?"
Because I AM!!!
Looking forward to next Friday's "Dazed Out". I'm going to eat pineapple cake (yummy!), and start working on the next promo mix CD in the next few days. Sorry those that are still emailing me for #1... no more left! Maybe Ebay have... hahahaha!
p/s I've been informed that a certain DJ duo here is dubbing themselves as Singapore's Deep Dish. Damn cock if you ask me. Where is the originality? Why copy and not be pro-creative instead... unless you're lacking in the creativity department. It's like cover version songs, ain't it? Don't have the original, here's the next best thing... a poor impersonation. Seriously, what the fuck are the younger generation of DJ-wannabes eating nowadays? Fucking idiots!
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