Crap DJs... aplenty!
Enough of DJs that can't mix or and have zero sense of rhythm and tempo. Some of us are trying to push beyond the benchmarks and the refinery of the craft; and here we have jabronis that call themselves DJs but in the true sense, are absolutely FULL OF IT. Crap, that is. I'm actually ashamed to be called a DJ when there are such hopeless "talents" around. So bloody embarrassing. On the other hand, knowing that you can't mix to save your life, I do actually feel a great sense of achievement on my end... to know I can beat you in every area with my hands tied behind my back. Not that I'm proud but some of these "DJs" are really that bad and they don't even know it! With that said, I'd really appreciate that I don't have the displeasure to hear anymore of such feeble "attempts" at DJing anymore? REALLY! PLEASE!!!
And I especially hate "DJs" that have no discipline, respect or professionalism. Last night, it was unfortunate enough that we had a guest cannot-mix-for-nuts-DJ for a private event... after he left, there were split drinks, empty glasses, chewed drinking straws and used tissue paper in the DJ booth area. How would you like if I came to your house, take a dump in your living room and then leave?
The next time any DJ comes and does this... I'll bring him a mop and a rag, right in front of everyone... "Clean up your own shit!"
And fuck all those DJs who can't work with other gears and insist in their own technical rider because of their inability to coop with adaption. That's the difference that seperates REAL DJs away from the kids. Fuck you and the industry standard gears. Some of you are not even INDUSTRY standard to say the least. To put it bluntly... "CAN MEANS CAN". Don't have to whine and make little excuses.
"Oh, I need this and that if not I can't DJ..."
Reality check. You're NOT a DJ! Not in my books anyway. If you can show me tricks on those gears that I'm not able to do, fine... you win. If not, shut the fuck up and stop polluting the environment with hot air!
Mother chuckers! Simply cannot make it! Do yourself and the world a favour. Stop kidding yourself and keep your day job. We already have enough clowns to keep us entertained for a lifetime.
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