Monday, November 27, 2006

X'mas Wish

Haven't had a good X'mas for a while.

My ideal wish this year would be... amongst good company, having a good conversation over a nice cosy meal at my favourite restaurant
Gyu-Kaku, with a bottle of Shiraz. Followed by a feel-good movie, or perhaps just a quiet place to comtemplate. I'm no longer that public a person. Quiet times are much preferred. Perhaps I've mellowed. Perhaps I'm tired. But my wish is that simple.


At 2:42 PM, Blogger Adminstrator said...

The beef comes in small bite size. depending on where it's from and the grade... and how much you eat... hahaha... but it goes by the weight... a good decent meal, without the wine... for two is around $50++ onwards.

The assorted sausages are a must-try. The asparagus too.

At 4:43 PM, Blogger Adminstrator said...

i hate heartlanders. they can suck my acid!

btw, if you plan to eat at Gyu-Kaku during the weekends, try to make reservations one day in advance. Ask for BOOTH seating. if not you get counter seats which suck.

try to go gluttoneous and indulge. trust me... it's worth the self-pampering!

At 10:17 PM, Blogger Adminstrator said...

indulge me. i'm kidding.


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