Sunday, December 27, 2009


As we mourn and grief for the dearly departed, we also take account how the person has lived her life; and how she's influenced and affected our lives in her own special ways. We look at her life and how she lived it. My grand aunt lived a full life till the very last day. She loved her family and everyone around her. Even when she was diagnosed with heart problems, she continued her loving duties as a nanny for her youngest grand niece and nephew.

Death is but an end of one journey and a start of another. Death is a point in life whereby we the living have to pause and to reflect. How have we lived our lives thus far? Have we cared enough for our loved ones? Have we cared for ourselves, enough to ensure that we get to live our lives to the fullest possible? We take things for granted and forget how fragile life is. And we pray never to live a life of regrets.

All of us will remember Aunty Lily for her ever jovial personality, her love for mahjong, the hairdressing salons and for stuffing us with her home-cook meals. She lived the life she wanted and at the same token, she put time aside to care for everyone else. She was a beautiful human being with a caring heart. She was not only a mother, a sister, an aunty; she was an inspiration. We take in comfort that she's gone to a better place, rid of earthly burdens and pain. And we look forward to the day we are all united once again.

We'll miss you, Aunty Lily. In our thoughts and hearts, the legacy of your life will live on through generations ahead. Enjoy your much deserved eternal rest and peace.


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