Invaders must REALLY die!!!
The following below was posted on Facebook by Lionel Michael L.
I'll like to share it as part of the "Invaders Must Die" movement. Afterall, this is but ONE out of many similar incidents that's happening all over the island on an hourly basis. I too have had such unpleasant experience with these non-English speaking individuals.
I'll like to share it as part of the "Invaders Must Die" movement. Afterall, this is but ONE out of many similar incidents that's happening all over the island on an hourly basis. I too have had such unpleasant experience with these non-English speaking individuals.
Read on, feel the rage and feed the wrath. Viva la PROTECTIONISM!

I was ordering food from the cafe downstairs about fifteen minutes ago, and as I queued up to pay for it, this bastard-son-of-a-bitch-ching-chong-i-love-beijing motherfucker cuts my queue by shoving in front of me while shouting what he wants to drink to the lady at the counter.
Naturally I was appalled. I shouted "bastard!" in his ear as he walked off. These motherfucking chinamen come to our country, steal our jobs, cut our queues, give rude and unqualified service and eye our women.
If they want to come to Singapore to work/study, they should pass three tests:
1. An English proficiency exam
2. A Common Courtesy exam
3. A Social Interaction exam
If they fail to pass any of the three, they should be deported back to CHINA where they belong. Those fucks come here to work/study but don't bother adapting to the society. They make things harder for us Singaporeans by trying to instill their brand of fucking Mao-Ze-Dong flavour into our society. They expect EVERYONE in Singapore to speak Mandarin. Hey, you ain't in China you stupid fucks. You're in an island in the Malaysian Peninsula which was colonized by the British. Improve your manners and your English before stepping into MY country you bastard fucks!!! FUCK YOU!!!
I should ask him to sing a song about these fucking immigrants! lol
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