
The film is reveling in, and exploiting, the putridness of poverty in the slum. It's glorifying India and it's culture as a shithole. No matter how much some of us hopes that it gets swept under the carpet, Slumdog Millionaire is like a recurring nightmare. It recently created history by sweeping 8 Oscars. Critics will say that it was awesome day at the Oscars for India as the documentary. Fuck off! I still think that it's poverty porn and it's downright exploitative of other people's less fortunate lives.

Some of you will argue that it's a "masterpiece story" about India's social ills, and about human struggle to conquer their short-comings and rising up through hardship. What's so great about that as a movie concept? It's been done like a trillion times before. Spider-man too is about that. Peter Parker stays in a shitty one-room apartment, has problem with rental and is constantly struggling with his true identity. Just look around, that's everywhere! Even in Singapore... the locals are finding it hard to get work (because foreign invaders are taking away their jobs), bills are stacking up, cost of living is escalating and the governing authorities that $400 is enough to offset your financial burdens during the ongoing recession.

"No Oscar nevermind, got GST rebate money can liao!"
Jack Neo's movie Money No Enough is also based around that rags-to-riches concept. Why don't they give him an Oscar too? Oh, cannot because got Hokkien and the "ang mors" don't understand what is "wah lau, eh!". Yeah right... and they can understand every single word of the fucking inaudible heavy Indian-accent English ladened through out Slumdog Millionaire?
The director Danny Boyle had a brief moment of brilliance with Trainspotting. Then the flops like The Beach and 29 Days Later followed. This desperate attempt at being "serious" has made him somewhat of a poverty pimp who has just given Hollywood the best blowjob ever.

"Dey! Is that your final answer?"
I refuse to watch it despite the media hype because I know that it's a irresistibly preposterous movie. The reason why the whites are lapping this up is because it's dire poverty given a nice coat of gloss. They love it because it exist elsewhere in the world and not in their neighbourhood.
So lets give the movie a couple of awards to let the brown folks know that "we know and that we kind of care in our Hollywood kind of way". Fucking capitalistic hypocrites!
So lets give the movie a couple of awards to let the brown folks know that "we know and that we kind of care in our Hollywood kind of way". Fucking capitalistic hypocrites!
A highly distasteful movie and shys away from the fact that rags-to-riches endings don't often happen in reality. Best cinematography? Come on now. The panel for the Oscars is basically made up of a bunch of blind retards. From the screenshots, I'd say it's just like any other shoe-string budget Bollywood movie with a generous sprinkling of "Engdian" (English with heavy Indian accent).
So for fuck's sake, stop hyping up what seems to be just another ordinary passable movie. Just like the airy Gossip Girl TV series, you won't die if you give this movie a miss. I'm not bothered but I certainly look forward to the see someone make a spoof / parody out of it.
So for fuck's sake, stop hyping up what seems to be just another ordinary passable movie. Just like the airy Gossip Girl TV series, you won't die if you give this movie a miss. I'm not bothered but I certainly look forward to the see someone make a spoof / parody out of it.

"Ohh, my little poppadom!
Shall we dance around that coconut tree?"
Shall we dance around that coconut tree?"
actually it's very true the way danny boylde has projected india to the masses. And the fact that on I-Tunes slumdog ost has become a hit is a little disturbing. but let's not forget that discovery, NGC or history channel have been doing the same thing with their documentaries over and over again to promote that their westernized culture is superior to others.
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