Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Somebody's going to download you!

Dear Russell,

Thank you very much for releasing your long-overdued DVD. As always, it's hilariously racist. And you even mentioned your Singapore tour in your Dance Dance Revolution skit. However, we stand corrected that we sound nothing like the Hongkies. Get your accent and facts sorted, lah! And the game ain't that big here as it is in Taiwan or Japan.

Nonetheless, many thanks for your many pokes at the different Asian race. I'll go try some this weekend on the unsuspecting foreign workers at Little India... hang on, better not. I don't want to experience that "overwhelming blast of shit smell up my nose". (that's what he said that got me cracking)

And the bit about Indian men holding hands and pinkies, and swinging "that shit"... "with their dress pants and flip flops".

OMFG!!! I've waited so long for someone to talk about this about on a public platform.

Yes, the show was educational to say the least. Now I know that girls who like big dicks have big vaginas... hahahahaha! Cheers for giving me more fuck-type sick-ass jokes to tell at gatherings.

Your fan (who just downloaded your DVD*)

* hey, I don't believe in paying for anything if it's available for "FREE". Intellectual property what? Sorry, I no study so high. No no what you talking about. :p

Tomorrow morning... Jeff Dunham!

(I have stomach cramps)


At 11:33 AM, Blogger razaq said...

"The smaller your dick, the more you'll fuck!"

At 12:07 AM, Blogger adr3n said...

Jingle bombs Jingle bombs
Hanging on the wall...



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