Are you exquiste enough?
And so we (P@T and myself) begin the weekend residency at Majestic Bar, going back to the basics of playing House music again... which is very much refreshing after listening to P@t last night (Friday). Musically, it fits into the bar's cosy setting, making it very conducive for social gatherings without having to speak till your throat goes hoarse, and at the same time, it's not a flatline that would cure insomniacs.
Here's hoping that it's something we can build upon (bar culture), alongside the more open-minded, receptive and supportive friends who are willing to venture outside of their comfort zone. As for the purists that are bitching about why we are diverting? Stay in your little box and stop yapping. Very noisy, you know? It's either you GET IT, or you DON'T.

And this is Elles de Graaf...

A certain political leader says that the whereabouts of the "escaped" Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) leader Mas Selamat Kastari, are still unknown.
"We made a mistake. He’s a very determined man and he was more alert. He outwitted us and outsmarted us... But the game is not over, and one day we will catch him," he said.
Playing hide and seek?
Elsewhere, political figures resign for the slack in security leading to the Mumbai terror attacks. Like I said, ANYWHERE else but here.
The leader also said... "Singapore must cross the river by feeling the stones. Without imitating any model blindly, it will transform, grow and remake itself to rethink strategies in this new environment."
I still think "BE WATER, MY FRIEND" makes more sense.
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