Wednesday, October 01, 2008

With deepest condolences and upmost respect...

Joshua Benjamin Jeyaretnam
1926 - 2008

An iconic opposition figure in the political environment of the one-party-dominated Singapore who has in his own ways, displayed a salute-worthy amount of fighting spirit despite faces all kinds of odds thrown at him.

I bought the man a cup of coffee once at the Emerald Orchard foodcourt. Not because he couldn't afford it but rather I wanted to, for the sacrifices he made just to be the OTHER voice for the other Singaporeans who don't subscribe to the current political climate.

He died a broken man. Broken by the forces that he opposed. But he went down fighting till the very end even though it was no longer effective. When all faith and hope was gone, he held strong to his beliefs.

Will there be another war-dog like him? Only time will tell. Until that time comes, no one can take away the achievements that J.B. Jeyaretnam has made for the Singapore opposition.

Rest in peace, sir.


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