Saturday, June 28, 2008

Stupidity 101

It's been awhile since I last checked my e-mailbox. Having some time to kill today in-between watching the Californication TV series (courtesy of P@t), I decided to see what's in the in-box. After deleting about 5 tonnes of spam and party-invites, I came across one which is so deserving for the "MORON OF THE WEEK" award...

"Hi Yukun,
I'm a regular listener to your shows on Lush FM. I'm keen in becoming a DJ and would like to ask where you get your music from so that I can play like you. Can you teach me? Money is not an issue."

Thank you for listening. However, please use some common sense before asking any questions as they may end up revealing just how dumb you are. If I were to tell you where you get my music from, that would entirely defeat the purpose of me being paid to have my weekly shows on radio when every Tom, Dick and Harry has the same material as I do. I know money may not be an issue for you but the reason I don't teach is because I cannot stand stupid questions or repeating myself over and over again (and that happens during lessons). I don't teach because I think the industry is already flooding with too many half-baked "talents" and "start-stop DJs" who have already bastardized the scene beyond any salvation.

I didn't reply your email because I'm sure you'll end up reading my response here. Do feel proud to be immortalized in text and thanks for listening (reading).

And the runner-up for the week... an ex-colleague who complained to me that he has not had an OFF day for almost TWO weeks now and is clocking in way over the supposed hours-per-week requirement. Look, idiot... isn't it bloody obvious by NOW that the company you work for doesn't have your welfare at heart. Why the fuck are you giving your life to them (physically speaking)? You don't have shares in the company anyways. If they don't give a fuck about your life, why should you give a fuck about being dedicated to your work? Some things are worth fighting for, some aren't. If you don't have the balls to quit, please stop complaining then... it's getting fucking tedious just to hear you repeat the same old sentiments every now and then. GET UP AND GET A PAIR OF BALLS!

By the way, I personally think RETARDED (infected) MUSHROOM is utterly numb and uncreatively boring.


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