Tuesday, April 15, 2008

English is stupid!

Since we're on the topic of cunts and stupidity, here are some things I can never make sense of (like some people I had to deal with recently). Please enlighten everyone otherwise...

How does one drink "responsibly"? When you drink, there's a very likelihood of over-indulgence. I'll be responsible enough to PAY for my drinks and not spill any on the floor; if that's what it means. Or does it mean to drink within your own FINANCIAL MEANS? Seriously, how much sense does it make when you tell someone who's driving to drink responsibly? OK, he'll just take a fucking small sip of his beer then. Or could it mean that if you get stopped by the traffic police, be responsible enough to ADMIT that you're sloshed instead of arguing otherwise?

This one makes completely no fucking sense whatsoever. Recently, the whole country was on "high alert" due to the "miraculous escape" of a terrorist. If I'm HIGH, I don't think I can be ALERT. It's one or the other. I don't think anyone can be HIGH and be ALERT at the same time. It's such an oxy-moronic term, isn't it?


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