Friday, February 15, 2008

You've been served!

Dear monkey-in-suspenders,

For all the times we had to endure your poor attempts at DJing (if that's what you insist it's called)... for all the nail-bitingly horrible music you have shocked us with... for all the fucking pretentious smoke screens you tried fooled us with... for the countless shameless name-dropping attempts... for all the large amounts of bullcrap we had to put up with...

Moral of the story? Stop playing the "I'm a victim" card and don't ever dick around. You never know who's holding a royal flush! Don't believe? Wait till you get BANNED at the other "superclub" as well. There's a ton of salt to be rubbed on your wounds... if the powers above are relentless.

Your move next, kiddo! Wait... we should say, CHECK MATE!!!


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