Sunday, February 03, 2008

Sunday... 3PM

This rant is way due it's expiry date. I had the pleasure of seeing some old mates of mine last night and it dawned upon me that donkey years have passed since my first public gig, and I'm still at it. Many have asked when I'm going to step down from this superficial industry and let other "newer blood" take over the pedestal.

Well, being at it for so long, sure enough I'm feeling uninspired (especially with the local audience being stuck with music from a lost era). I don't feel as excited anymore and the job has become more of a chore now. The fact that sometimes, I dread every passing minute and my heart's not there when I'm DJing... but that's another story altogether. This post is not suppose to be about me.

Much as I love to seek early retirement from all the shallowness, I think I owe it to myself to stick around just to be a pain-in-the-arse for the multitude of shameless wannabe-DJs who continued to populate and pollute our pathetic domestic club scene. I know I have nothing much to prove and I don't owe anyone anything, but I seriously do feel the need and burning desire to reach out to these really-cannot-make-it self-proclaimed DJs and fucking bad-mouthing flamers (i.e. Jason T at Cannery), and tell them (with the help of my new buds Bad Boy Ben and DJ G)...

"Up yours!"


On a more serious note,
here's a photo of Cecelia Chung's wet
and ultra hairy pussy...

... cat!


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