Things can only can...
You probably can't beat mine. Got back from work way pass 4am. By the time I tried to sleep, it was almost 5am. Barely two hours later, Satan's child starts running up and down the fucking corridor, laughing and screaming aloud. His grandmother screeches along, apparently trying to "control" the little bastard from making too much noise. Fucking stupid idiots, these people. Here's an idea... toss the fucking kid down the rubbish chute and do the entire world a favour! Kill the anti-Christ now before it's too late!
Just when you think all that high pitch noise (coming from the grandmother), is bad enough... promptly at 8am, the fucking drilling and renovation works upstairs go into full orchestral swing. Putting on my earplugs certainly did not help because it was really LOUD.
And then guess what? 8.30am, the fatfuck neighbour (the one with erectile dysfunction) decides to join in with his carpentry ruckus of hammer and nails... right outside my bedroom window!
So here you have it, in epic proportions till about noon. Demon child and high-pitched grandma providing vocals. Contractors right upstairs with their poorly coordinated masterpiece. And the amateur carpenter knocking away. What a fucking glorious day, isn't it. By the time these motherfuckers are done, I've yet to grab any proper sleep and have developed another fucking migraine! And guess what? Due to the late nights and the lack of rest, I'm coming down with fever and flu again. Fucking brilliant! What the fuck did I do to deserve such arseluck and such fuck-up cunts as neighbours?
Really in a fucking "fantastic" mood now. If I had a gun...
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