Thursday, March 29, 2007

Butterfly Sign

Jam & Spoon lives on... with even more grammatically bad lyrics. Poppy little song that some how manages to stick to my head after like TWO listens. I'm going spread this bad infection in one of my upcoming radio shows next. Hopefully then, I'm not the only one walking around with the tune stuck in a loop. After all, there's no crime in spreading bad music to the masses, is there? Especially when it's for a good laugh. Thus the occassional Tiesto crap in my sets.

I know Plavka is the vocalist but could they at least find a decent looking model to mime over the cheesy video instead of plastering the auntie all over it? Part of the lyrics, she sings "I've been living in a coccoon". She certainly looks like it! And the low-cut front doesn't really help either.

And at 1.18 minute of the clip? What the fuck? Two RED rabbits going at it? That's romantic? Oh look... 1.48 minutes... deer faeces with a love heart floating out of the poo? Who the fuck is the director? Hope Plavka steps into it eventually. 2.07 minutes... wedding chapels in Las Vegas... so that's TRUE LOVE? Haha!

Okay, someone quick explain the lyrics...
"My butterfly heart will tell me,
When it's my time, butterfly time."

And just when I thought Above & Beyond wrote shitty nonsensical lyrics (i.e. "Satellite"). Guys, come on now! All respect I had for the duo just went down the rubbish chute!


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