What's the difference?
Today, a patron to the casino got extremely pissed off with me because I referred to him as an "Indian".
"No! I'm not Indian!"
"Then what are you?"
"I'm Pakistani! I'm Pakistani!"
"Errr... I really fail to see the difference!"
"Then what are you?"
"I'm Pakistani! I'm Pakistani!"
"Errr... I really fail to see the difference!"

Pakistan man is devastated for being mistaken as an Indian

Indian man is not amused at all!
Seriously, what's the bloody difference? You'll all from the same God-forsaken continent, right? You're all equally hairy and have a particular funky body ordour. Despite the supposed language difference, it all sounds identically loud and crude. And strangely, your nod for "YES" also makes you look like a freaking "bobble-head". Why kick up such a big fuss over something that is clearly very redundant? Don't blame anyone just because we really can't tell the bloody difference between you people! Don't get your panties (or sarongs) up in a bunch, ok?

Indian man is not amused at all!
OK, now for the funny bit of the day. I received an invite for some party and one of the local deejays on the line-up calls himself Chee Who? Seriously, such a moniker is a running joke just waiting to happen. What were you thinking when you came up with it? Chee Who?

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