Retarded Authority!

As demonstrated DAILY by...

Everyday without fail, at Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal, you'll see the ICA (Idiotic Complacent Assholes) display their inefficiency with utmost stupidity. For those that have been through the custom checks there, you'll know what I mean. There you have TWO metal detector gantries, TWO luggage X-ray machines and enough "officers" standing around to form a soccer team (with reserves). And yet, every time there's a huge queue of people trying to clear immigration, these fuckwads somehow rather choose to open only ONE metal detector gantry, ONE luggage X-ray machine and then deploy a platoon of personnel to stand around asking people to "move forward".
When asked why they don't open up TWO clearance lanes, the answer is... "not enough staff to coop".
Not enough staff? And there you have the bunch of you milling around... TWO persons doing the task meant for ONE person. How many officers do you need to ask people to "move forward"? TWO?
Thus I say, the human resource department as well as the overall-in-charge of ICA should both resign for hiring idiots and running a retarded monkey organization.
And don't get me started with their "always hang" Microsoft-OS passport scanning system either. Which brings me to a recent incident earlier this week...
I walking home after buying food from the neighbourhood coffee shop when I heard a voice shouting "hey you, stop that woman!"
When I turned back to have a look, a slender woman was being chased by an undercover police officer. I rephrase. An undercover FAT-LIKE-FUCK police officer, who obviously WILL NEVER catch whoever he's chasing... not even if the culprit CRAWLED on all fours.
Anyways, I'm not one who like to do other people's job so I played the ignorant card. As the officer BOUNCED passed me, he asked, "why you never stop her?"
"Why? You cannot catch her yourself? Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know I'm supposed to do your job. Anyway, my hands are full carrying dinner my family. You should have used your gun or something."

Make you actually wonder, doesn't it? The amount of stupidity that reigns in the HOME TEAM of Singapore. What next? Using a blind man as a sniper in the military?
Don't laugh. Idiots are everywhere! Even at the recent Prodigy concert.
Band breaks into the opening chords of "Out Of Space"
Some random bloke says in really awful Singaporean accent, "fuck man, I've been waiting for this song!"
Friend next to him, "what's this song, ah?"
Bloke replies, "I dunno."
Fucking retarded.
When asked why they don't open up TWO clearance lanes, the answer is... "not enough staff to coop".
Not enough staff? And there you have the bunch of you milling around... TWO persons doing the task meant for ONE person. How many officers do you need to ask people to "move forward"? TWO?
Thus I say, the human resource department as well as the overall-in-charge of ICA should both resign for hiring idiots and running a retarded monkey organization.
And don't get me started with their "always hang" Microsoft-OS passport scanning system either. Which brings me to a recent incident earlier this week...
I walking home after buying food from the neighbourhood coffee shop when I heard a voice shouting "hey you, stop that woman!"
When I turned back to have a look, a slender woman was being chased by an undercover police officer. I rephrase. An undercover FAT-LIKE-FUCK police officer, who obviously WILL NEVER catch whoever he's chasing... not even if the culprit CRAWLED on all fours.
Anyways, I'm not one who like to do other people's job so I played the ignorant card. As the officer BOUNCED passed me, he asked, "why you never stop her?"
"Why? You cannot catch her yourself? Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know I'm supposed to do your job. Anyway, my hands are full carrying dinner my family. You should have used your gun or something."

I wonder what's the bloody requirement for recruitment into the police force nowadays. What do they hope to achieve from hiring such a fat-fuck? Roll down the hill and crush the criminals to death? Interrogate the suspect by showing your man-breasts? Go on a fucking diet, you pig!
Make you actually wonder, doesn't it? The amount of stupidity that reigns in the HOME TEAM of Singapore. What next? Using a blind man as a sniper in the military?
Don't laugh. Idiots are everywhere! Even at the recent Prodigy concert.
Band breaks into the opening chords of "Out Of Space"
Some random bloke says in really awful Singaporean accent, "fuck man, I've been waiting for this song!"
Friend next to him, "what's this song, ah?"
Bloke replies, "I dunno."
Fucking retarded.
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